Elongated trapezoidal tool, probably a weaving sword. Complete preserved. The wood is comparatively soft, but all structures are well recognizable. The elongated ridges are almost straight. At one end the changeover to the narrow sides is short rounded at the other side the changeover is elongated rounded that an trapezoidal form is created. The shorter one of the long sides is flattened in profile, the other pointed. The latter appears to represent the main working ridge of the tool. Carving marks can be seen on the smoothed surface, which are most obvious near the pointed elongated ridge. The course of the growth rings and the rays suggests that the piece was probably made from a small splitted log with elongated triangular cross-section.
Length: 35 cm. Width: 5. Height: 1.3. Wood type: Pinus silvestris (CR 2018).
Dating: C14-analysis, Tübitak-0816: 2695±28 BP. Calibration with IntCal20 and 95.4% probability: 901–806 BC.