Kontext 7484:020 (Grab) |
Verwaltung |
Koordinaten |
Abschluss |
05.09.2008 |
Höhe von bis |
0.80 bis 3.25
0.50 bis 2.00
283.15 bis 282.51
rectangular shape in sw-corner of Q. n and e on surface are rows of stones indicating walls with plaster very similar to grave 7384:009 .
fine solid pack of grey soil with many small stones. southern corner stuck in southern balk.
16.08.08: Ursprüngliche Vermutung es handelt sich um Grab (wegen Ummauerungen und Putz sowie Auslegung) kann durch Anthropologin Gamze nicht bestätigt werden. Evtl. mal als solches angelegt (befindet sich in einer Reihe mit weiteren Gräbern in Areal - s. Locus:7384:009 , Locus:7385:018 , Locus:7385:019 ). Dies geht aus Fund von 2 menschlichen Zähnen (maxillary teeth) sowie eines Unterkiefers (mandibula) hervor. Möglicherweise wurde Grube als Grab angelegt. Dies würde die verputzte, sorgfältig angelegte Mauern sowie Lage und Orientierung erklären - unklar: ob Grabnutzung vor Grubennutzung stattfand, und Skelette entfernt wurden (why bother?), oder überhaupt eine Grabnutzung stattfand.
17.08.08: The carefully laid out plastered walls turn out to contain a grave. ca. 3 Skeletal remains discovered. Exact number unclear. 04.09.2008: ca. 15 skeletal remains discovered. Exact number not clear however. Situation will be better assed once southern balk is removed. While removing southern balk a thin (ca. 1cm) white line covering the grave (height: 282.92m) was noticed. Unfortunately too late to be exposed horizontally. Possibly a connection with sw-ne orientated Geländerippe Locus:7484:046 .
leangth - 2.25m width - 1.20m height - 0.60-0.70m
For further details for konstruction of grave-walls go to Locus:7484:050 .
Concluding "Report" from Anthropologist Gamze:
In total 15 individuals have been excavated and one of these skeletons belongs to a child. The burials were placed in a tomb that was constructed with irregularly shaped stones. Especially the displacement of the skulls and the vertabrea indicates that the grave was often reopened and new corpses were added . Inside the grave two bronze rings was found, however these were not in situ. This grave had the same orientation as the graves 7385:019 and 7385:025 and there was no sexual seperation between males and females. At first glance, many deseases in the joınts can be identified this might be due to the population’s working habits. One of the individuals had a joint deformatıon in very late phase of the deseases and this individual had at the same time some extra bone formations especially on the phalangs of the hand. Most of the individuals had calculus formation on their teeth.
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