Kontext 7685:105 (Ablagerung: Fill in between wall Locus:7685:038 , wall Locus:7685:080 and wall Locus:7685:083) |
Verwaltung |
Koordinaten |
Abschluss |
24.08.2011 |
Höhe von bis |
0.15 bis 5.70
0.50 bis 7.00
283.85 bis 283.74
Locus:7685:105 is located in-between (wall) Locus:7685:038 , (wall) Locus:7685:080 and (wall) Locus:7685:083 .
It represent the continuation of layer Locus:7685:098 . The top layer of (layer) Locus:7685:105 is marked by a number of medium-sized stones and flat-lying potsherds.
The color of the soil is yellowish/greenish grey. The material is loose in consistency. Besides pottery and fragments of animal bone , the dirt contained small stones, bits of charcoal, chalk and pieces (burnt) mud-brick as well.
A noteworthy find from (layer) Locus:7685:105 is an intact miniature cup (Fund:7685:105:003 ), which was found lying on its side.
2053 von 3544 |
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kontextid DESC |
Tagesskizzen / Plana |
Der Locus liegt direkt unter |
7685:098 (Ablagerung) |
Der Locus liegt direkt über |