Layer Locus:7685:114 is located in front of wall Locus:7685:041 / Locus:7685:071 .
A yellowish strip of soil had been visible for a while at this location (cf. Bild no. 15946).
The material is similar to that found in connection with layer Locus:7685:089 / Locus:7685:119 / Locus:7685:125 .
The soil itself, when dug, turned out to be very similar to (e.g.) Locus:7685:108 . After having removed a few cm of soil (in a horizontal direction), however, the material started to change. It became harder in consistency and more yellow in color. The material seems to be similar to that found in-between the stones (facing south) making up wall Locus:7685:041 .