Surface or layer Locus:7685:115 is located below layer Locus:7685:108 .
The color of the soil is yellowish/greenish grey. The dirt, which is medium-loose in character, contained pieces of (burnt) mud-brick and charcoal, white chalky material and small stones, including a concentration of very small (or tiny) stones, which may better be described as sandy or gravel-like in character.
Only few pieces of animal bone and pottery were found (note contrast with e.g. layer Locus:7685:108 ). Moreover, the potsherds seem to be smaller (general observation) in size than those from (e.g.) surface or layer Locus:7685:108 . Only few intact vessels were found (cf. find-rich situation in Locus:7685:108 ). Three whole profiles came to light.
One shallow dish was found in situ (Fund:7685:115:003 ), the others were later singled out in the sherd garden (Fund:7685:115:005 and Fund:7685:115:006 ).