Layer Locus:7685:125 is located below layer Locus:7685:119 .
Few pieces of animal bone and a number of potsherds, including some bigger fragments, were found.
The soil is mixed and similar to that from layer Locus:7685:119 . The material is harder on the west side of the locus, adjacent to the west baulk of excavation unit 7685.
Color differences can also be observed. The soil adjacent to layer Locus:7685:116 is yellowish in color. The material situated in proximity to the west baulk of the square, on the other hand, is more brownish-grey in color. In any case, no clear boundaries - or structures for that matter - could be discerned.
The (moist) yellowish material continues into the adjacent layer Locus:7685:116 .
Note that the hard yellowish material found in conjunction with layer Locus:7685:125 has also been observed in-between the stones making up wall Locus:7685:041 (at least something similar).
The northwest corner could later be identified as representing part of (the super-structure of) an unburnt mud-brick wall (see Bild no. 18623). The rest of the excavated material can probably be identified as fill.
The moist nature of the soil need be viewed in conjunction with the presence of a pit/opening (pit Locus:7685:146 ) in wall/pavement Locus:7685:145 .