Kontext 7685:131 (Ablagerung: Darkish grey material in-between wall Locus:7685:013 and wall Locus:7685:100) |
Verwaltung |
Koordinaten |
Abschluss |
06.09.2011 |
Höhe von bis |
5.00 bis 8.00
4.50 bis 7.50
283.81 bis 283.65
Layer Locus:7685:131 is located in-between wall Locus:7685:013 and wall Locus:7685:100 .
The soil is loose. The color of the material varies from yellowish-grey to brownish-grey/black. The soil contains small stones, white inclusions (i.e. pieces of chalky material), bits of charcoal, pottery and fragments of animal bone.
Layer Locus:7685:131 represents the continuation of layer Locus:7685:126 / Locus:7685:118 .
However, note that the darkish material, which constituted a distinctive feature of the space contained by wall Locus:7685:013 , Locus:7685:100 and Locus:7685:127 ,is clearly coming to an end. Instead, the (color of the) soil is becoming more and more like that of the surrounding loci, i.e. layer Locus:7685:129 and Locus:7685:130 .
At the southern end of layer Locus:7685:131 , a concentration of small (fist-sized) stones has come to light (Locus:7685:132 ).
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Der Locus liegt direkt unter |
7685:126 (Ablagerung) |
Der Locus liegt direkt über |