Layer Locus:7685:141 is located below layer Locus:7685:138 . Its top surface is marked by a relatively large whitish discoloration, consisting of a thin (c. 2 cm) layer of white chalky material.
The soil is similar to that from layer Locus:7685:138 . It contains small and few medium-sized stones. Small sand or gravel-like particles are also well represented. Potsherds, fragments of animal bone, bits of chalk and pieces of charcoal were also found.
The color of the soil is yellowish/greenish-brown. The soil is mixed and has a medium-loose consistency.
The soil has become very moist in character - breaking into large lumps of clay - which is, in fact, the reason why layer Locus:7685:138 was not continued. The moistness of the soil had previously been limited to the northern part of layer Locus:7685:138 . By now, it has extended itself across the entire length of the (open) space under consideration here.
Layer Locus:7685:141 seem to run below wall Locus:7685:013 .