Locus:7685:016 represents a tomb cut into wall Locus:7685:013 .
Locus 16 may be interpreted as a tile-grave (IV), since an (isolated) pieces of tile - similar to the ones used in (e.g.) Locus:7685:006 - came to light in the direct or immediate vicinity of Locus 16.
Zusatzbild no. 14380 and 14382 were taken after, thoroughly having cleaned the (general) area corresponding with tomb Locus:7685:016 . The holes and/or missing mud-bricks in Locus:7685:013 , i.e. the mud-brick wall, could be viewed in conjunction with the presence of additional tombs, no other traces of which are extant.
An alternative view is that these holes may have held wooden posts (cf. Locus description Locus:7685:013 ).