The grave is cutting the mudbrick wall in the north eastern part of the trench. this locus is relative small in size considering it is a grave, but this i all that is left after modern plowing, and errosion. down the eastern slope of the hill.
This fragment of the grave was found under a quite big mudbrick "floating" near the surface layer.
The bones were mostly "out of place", probably due to the steep slope they were lying on.
In the grave, around half a skull including a temporal was found; 3 articulated handbones; 6-7 articulated teeth, but not sitting in the mandible though.
The next layer of bones included handbones, even more teeth. And some articulated "so far unknow bones"
These bones might be connected to Fund:7685:070:002 and Fund:7686:056:001
By prima vista, it could seem like that all the teeth from one individual are there. They were all found in vicinity of each other.
In the very bottom the rest of a shoulder was residing.
All of these bones were found in an areal of 30x20 cm. This would again be an argument for the slide.
The rest of the fill is greyish medium soft soil, with many small mudbrick fragments in it. No ceramic or finds have been located.