Kontext 7685:034 (Grube: Pit disturbed by tomb Locus:7685:035 in southern half of excavation unit 7685) |
Verwaltung |
Koordinaten |
Abschluss |
11.09.2010 |
Höhe von bis |
4.00 bis 5.05
1.00 bis 2.10
283.71 bis 283.27
Locus:7685:034 refers to the material found below the stone/mud-brick layer that marked the bottom of Locus:7685:029 .
The fill of Locus 34 can be compared with the fill of Locus 29. The color of the soil grayish brown. Its consistency is medium-loose. The soil contains bits of (burnt) mud-brick (e.g. yellow, green and orange), white chalky material, stones (small- and medium-sized), pieces of charcoal, human bone material (see below) and a large number of potsherds.
Tile grave V, i.e. Locus:7685:035 , had cut pit Locus:7685:034 (cf. Zusatzbild no. 14460).
2279 von 3544 |
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kontextid DESC |
Tagesskizzen / Plana |
Der Locus liegt direkt unter |
7685:029 (Grube) |
Der Locus liegt direkt über |
7685:236 (Ablagerung) |