Locus:7685:064 refers to a rectangle-like shape recognized on areal photograph #15616. The shape is characterized by a top layer consisting of loose greyish earth.
Initially, thoughts went out to a tomb, similar to the one excavated here last year (i.e. Locus:7685:017 ). In any case, after having removed a few cm of soil, it soon became clear that we were dealing with a different kind of context here.
The loose greyish earth might (still) belong to the fill of tomb Locus:7685:017 . In any case, besides small and medium-sized stones, bits of chalk and pieces of (burnt) mud-brick, the deposit contained potsherds and fragments of animal bone as well.
At the bottom of Locus:7685:064 , stones and mud-bricks started to appear. Moreover, the soil started to change. A yellowish layer was exposed, which may be identified with a level consisting of unburnt mud-bricks.