Kontext 7686:122 (Ablagerung: Südliche harte, lehmige Ablagerung) |
Verwaltung |
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Abschluss |
Höhe von bis |
8.51 bis 9.99
1.35 bis 3.03
283.75 bis
A layer of very hard, greyish brown, clayish soil with occasional larger chunks of clay and inclusions of small stones, charcoal and lime. The soil between chunks of clay is fairly soft and fine-grained, and as a result, the hard clay occasionally peels off very easily. The top of this layer was the surface upon which a charcoal concentration probably related to the destruction of the older temple was deposited. This was interpreted as a possible working level. After the first day of excavation, the layer we reached had a slightly browner colour, but the layer was otherwise continuous and there was no clear sign that this would have been a second working level.
Situated below Locus:7686:104 , Locus:7686:110 and Locus:7686:114 . Locus:7686:105 adjacent.
1019 von 3544 |
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