Locus:7785:131 is a pit or a fire place located near the southern edge of the square. Part of it runs in to the adjacent square 7784 (Locus:7784:006 ).
The color of the soil is grayish-black. Its consistency is loose. Pieces of charcoal, chunks of mud-brick and little pottery were recovered. The pit contained a good many small to medium-sized stones, which seem to have been blackened by fire.
The bottom of Locus 131 corresponds with the top of floor Locus:7785:133 .The 'imprint' of Locus 131 is clearly recognizable on Bild no. 13170 (see Zusatzbilder). As a result, it may be postulated that Locus 131 need be considered contemporary with floor Locus:7685:133 (cf. Locus:7784:006 )