Ausgrabung  =>  Areal 7685   =>  7685:013

Kontext 7685:013 (Mauer: Southwest external mud-brick wall of temple or palace complex)






Höhe von bis

5.00 bis 9.00
6.00  bis 9.50
284.52  bis 283.84


Locus:7685:013 refers to the southwest external (mud-brick) wall of the central building complex.

The maximum preserved width of wall Locus:7685:013 is ca. 5.00 m. Its construction seems similar to other walls excavated at the Oymaagac Höyük, namely variegated wall segments consisting of mud-bricks on the one hand and white chalky material (Konglomerat) on the other (for a more recent reconstruction see below).

In the area corresponding with tomb Locus:7685:016 there are possible traces of wood impressions (cf. Bild no. 14696). In the same general area, around the southern edge of Locus:7685:013 , a series of parallel holes may also be interpreted as part of an original wood-construction (note the regularity and even-spacing of the openings).

Along the outer edges (n-s) of the mud-brick wall segments the soil is loose. Moreover, bricks tend to be oriented obliquely, which could indicate that the bricks had fallen into an open or empty space (detoriated wood?).

Locus:7685:013 is furnished with a layer of wall plaster, which, originally, seem to have covered the wall's entire west- and south face.

Finally, in front on the above mentioned holes or openings, adjacent to Locus:7685:016 , a small mud-brick wall (support feature?) had been built perpendicular to the south face of wall Locus:7685:013 (later identified with wall Locus:7685;100 ).

In the 2011 excavation campaign, it has become clear that wall Locus:7685:013 has a half-timber frame. It is made up of four long (west-east) beam channels (see Bild no. 16048 and 16047). So far, five to six cross (north-south) beam channels have been exposed (for example see Bild no. 16043 and 16046). Wall Locus:7685:013 - or rather the wall it constitutes part of - has not yet been completely excavated. As a result, its total length and hence the total number of cross beams used is (still) unknown.

The wooden beams divide the wall into (5 x 5) 25 mud-brick quadrants or blocks. Every (north-south) row or segment is flanked by two long beams (see Bild no. 18807). The north-south segments are constituted by five rectangle-like quadrants or blocks. Not of all of them are evenly sized.
The build-up of the first and second (north-south wall) row (from the west) is made up of a large central quadrant (c. 80 x 40 cm) flanked by two pairs of relatively evenly sized (mud-brick) blocks (c. 40 x 40 cm). The third one is more wide. It has a width of c. 1.00 m. Note that the relative distance between the individual cross beams increases after the second (north-south) wall segment. Consequently, the width of the mud-brick blocks/quadrants becomes bigger (from c.40 to 0.80 to 1.00 m).
The (original) configuration of cross beams behind wall Locus:7685:100 is not completely clear (see Bild no. 16050). A couple of more narrow (c. 20 cm) beams might have been used.

The (measured) width of the of the beams used is c. 30 cm (see Bild no. 16010).

The beams appear to have been covered with or protected by a construction consisting of white chalky stones and mud-bricks (esp. so-called half-bricks). Stones seem to have placed along the outer edges of the beams (see Bild no. 16046). Moreover, the beam channels were 'bridged' by means of (e.g.) half-bricks (i.e. bricks cut in half) positioned in-between two facing block sides (see Bild no.16047 and 16012).

More details will be recorded in the 2012 campaign.




2282 von 3468
Areal (Jahr)
alle (alle)
kontextid DESC
   Tagesskizzen / Plana
   Der Locus liegt direkt unter
7685:012   (Ablagerung)
   Der Locus liegt direkt über
7685:104   (Mauer)
7685:157   (Mauer)



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