Kontext 7685:025 (Grube: Aschegrube) |
Verwaltung |
Koordinaten |
Abschluss |
04.08.2011 |
Höhe von bis |
0.59 bis 1.50
4.05 bis 6.03
284.64 bis 284.03
Pit Locus:7685:025 constitutes a pit located in the western half of excavation unit 7685. The pit appears to have cut the adjacent pit Locus:7685:028 .
In 2010, Locus:7685:025 has not been excavated.
2011 Locus:7685:025 is loose in consistency. The color of the soil is brownish-grey to black. It contained small stones and some bigger middle-sized stones. Also found were chuncks of (burnt) mud-brick. The fill yielded pieces of charcoal and animal bone as well. Pottery is well represented. Some potsherds appear to have been burnt. The bottom of Locus:7685:025 is constituted by a yellowish layer, which is similar in appearance to the alleged 'bottom' or lower fill of pit Locus:7685:024 .
2306 von 3544 |
Areal (Jahr) |
alle (alle) |
Sortierung |
kontextid DESC |
Tagesskizzen / Plana |
Der Locus liegt direkt unter |
7685:028 (Grube) |
Der Locus liegt direkt über |
7685:053 (Grube) |