Kontext 7685:026 (Grube: Pit in west profile) |
Verwaltung |
Koordinaten |
Abschluss |
03.08.2011 |
Höhe von bis |
0.00 bis 0.50
2.10 bis 3.40
284.36 bis 284.27
Pit Locus:7685:026 is marked by, what seems to be, an intact ceramic vessel. The pit runs into the east section of the adjacent square 7585.
The east baulk of square 7585 has been removed up till 4 m (from N 0.50-4.00), in order to retrieve a skull belonging to Locus:7685:015 . This has similarly led to a fuller exposure of pit Locus:7685:026 .
In 2010, pit Locus:7685:026 has not been excavated.
2011 The color of the soil is brownish-grey to black. It is loose in consistency. Pottery is abundantly represented. In total five buckets of pottery were collected. The bottom of the pit is marked by a hard yellowish surface, which can be identified as the (preserved) top of the unburnt mud-brick wall Locus:7685:080 .
SR, 24.11.2017 cf. Locus:7585:051 filling + Locus:7585:052 negative
2293 von 3544 |
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Tagesskizzen / Plana |
Der Locus liegt direkt unter |
7685:015 (Grab) |
Der Locus liegt direkt über |
7685:080 (Mauer) |