Ausgrabung  =>  Areal 7685   =>  7685:038

Kontext 7685:038 (Mauer: Unburnt mud-brick wall parallel to wall Locus:7685:013)






Höhe von bis

3.90 bis 4.60
2.75  bis 7.60
284.77  bis 283.67


Locus:7685:038 represents an unburnt mud-brick wall which runs parallel to wall Locus:7685:013 .

A plaster layer is situated on the east side of wall Locus:7685:038 . It is identified with Locus:7685:099 .

Wall Locus:7685:038 was disturbed by a number of (late) Iron Age pits (e.g. pit Locus:7685:019 / Locus:7685:027 / Locus:7685:033 / Locus:7685:046 / Locus:7685:070 , Locus:7685:024 , Locus:7685:025 , Locus:7685:034 and Locus:7685:035 ) and by a Byzantine tile grave (i.e. Locus:7685:051 ).


Orientation: southeast-northwest
Width: ca. 1.20 m
Length (in square 7685): ca. 7.00 m

Height of preserved mud-brick superstructure (max): 90 cm
Number of rows or courses of mud-bricks (max): 8

The mud-bricks have an average thickness of c. 10 cm and a width of c. 30 cm. The (horizontal) joints separating the individual courses are c. 2 cm wide.

The (clay) color of the mud-bricks used include yellow (ocre), greenish-yellow, greenish-grey, reddish-brown (close to orange) and greyish-yellow. Small white stones (temper?) are visible on the surface of the yellow and greenish-colored mud-bricks. The brown and grey bricks seem to have been smoothened on the outside.

The stone foundations of wall Locus:7685:038 is identified with wall Locus:7685:121 .

Wall Locus:7685:038 was set inside a foundation ditch (i.e. wall Locus:7685:120 ).

More details can be found in the 2011 final report.


2188 von 3468
Areal (Jahr)
alle (alle)
kontextid DESC
   Tagesskizzen / Plana
   Der Locus liegt direkt unter
7685:012   (Ablagerung)
7685:050   (Ablagerung)
7685:061   (Ablagerung)
7685:065   (Ablagerung)
   Der Locus liegt direkt über
7685:085   (Mauer)
7685:121   (Mauer)



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