Wall Locus:7685:041 is located north of pit Locus:7685:032 and Locus:7685:039 . It appears to have been built in between the east face of wall Locus:7685:038 and the west face of wall Locus:7685:013 .The wall is constituted by smaller stones at the top and relatively bigger stones towards the bottom.Courses: 3Rows: 1Dimensions:larger stones ca. 40 cm (L) x 18 cm (W); small stones ca. 20 cm x 20 cmCurrent height: 0.70 m Current length: 1.35 m2011Wall Locus:7685:041 had a stone fill packing: wall Locus:7685:071 and Locus:7685:153 . It is tentatively interpreted as a (foundation) pillar. Wall Locus:7685:041 is associated with floor Locus:7685:112 , plaster Locus:7685:099 and wall Locus:7685:127 . Other features that can tentaively be brought into connection with the above loci are wall Locus:7685:045 / Locus:7785:013 and floor Locus:7685:140 . Wall Locus:7685:041 was built on top of the some kind of fill used to fill in the space in-between wall Locus:7685:038 (west) and wall Locus:7685:013 (east), as well as that on top of which floor Locus:7685:112 was laid.More details can be found in the final report of 2011.