Ausgrabung  =>  Areal 7685   =>  7685:045

Kontext 7685:045 (Mauer: Wall in northeast corner of excavation unit 7685 (continuation of wall Locus:7785:013 ?))






Höhe von bis

7.80 bis 8.90
7.10  bis 8.10
283.99  bis 283.30


From final report excavation unit 7685 (JE):

"The three stones associated with Locus:7685:045 seem to be related to Locus:7785:013 in excavation unit 7785. This connection is based on the general orientation of Locus:7685:045 . A grayish ?triangle?, referred to as Locus:7685:036 , is deposited against the south face of Locus:7685:045 . Locus:7685:036 may be compared with Locus:7785:023 in excavation unit 7785, which is interpreted as a surface or floor related to wall Locus:7785:013 . Locus:7785:023 reportedly, still, contained Iron Age pottery. If correctly identified as an Iron Age surface, Locus:7685:045 / Locus:7685:036 may be viewed as representing the - stratigraphically - youngest architectural phase in excavation unit 7685."

Wall Locus:7685:045 is related to wall Locus:7785:013 . It is one to two courses high (in square 7685). Moreover, it is assiocated with floor Locus:7685:140 (see Bild no. 17505).

Wall Locus:7685:045 can probably be viewed in conjunction with architectural phase II of the south facade of the central building complex. Associated features/loci are wall Locus:7685:041 , wall Locus:7685:127, plaster Locus:7685:099, floor Locus:7685:112 and floor Locus:7685:140 . More details are available in the final report of the 2011 campaign.


2154 von 3468
Areal (Jahr)
alle (alle)
kontextid DESC
   Tagesskizzen / Plana
   Der Locus liegt direkt unter
7685:012   (Ablagerung)
   Der Locus liegt direkt über
7685:107   (Versturz)



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