Ausgrabung  =>  Areal 7685   =>  7685:062

Kontext 7685:062 (Grab: Tomb in the west section of square 7685)






Höhe von bis

0.25 bis 0.55
6.00  bis 6.35
284.80  bis 284.75


Locus:7685:059 refers to the locus used to cut back the west baulk of excavation unit 7685. While excavating Locus:7685:059 , two sets of human bones came to light, Locus:7685:062 and Locus:7685:063 . The former refers to a pair of tibiae. Based on the absence of roof-tiles and/or stone slabs, it may be identified with an earth-cut tomb, similar to (e.g.) Locus:7685:040 and Locus:7685:022 , both of which were excavated last year (2010).

Excerpt from final report by S. Fox and K. Marklein:
"Also on 10 August, 2011, we examined the highly incomplete and fragmentary remains of minimally three individuals from 7685:62:001: including a child (3-12 years of age) represented by two femoral fragments smaller than those from the adolescent and older than that of an infant; an adolescent (13-18 years of age) represented by both right and left femoral shafts and distal femoral epiphyses, and both tibial and fibular shafts; and an adult represented only by a fibular shaft fragment. The material is in a fair state of preservation. No dentition was recovered, and stature estimations could not be calculated from the remains of any of the individuals recovered from this locus. Additionally, no skeletal anomalies nor pathological lesions were identified."




2105 von 3468
Areal (Jahr)
alle (alle)
kontextid DESC
   Tagesskizzen / Plana
   Der Locus liegt direkt unter
7685:059   (Ablagerung)



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