Ausgrabung  =>  Areal 7685   =>  7685:085

Kontext 7685:085 (Mauer: Foundation stones wall Locus:7685:038)






Höhe von bis

4.50 bis 6.00
1.20  bis 2.20
283.70  bis 


Wall Locus:7685:085 / Locus:7685;121 can be identified as the foundation stones of wall Locus:7685:038 .

The foundation wall of wall Locus:7685:038 is three courses high. It has a height of c. 50 cm. The bottom of wall Locus:7685:085 / Locus:7685:121 made up of a series of large stones that measure (in cm) c. 60 (l) x 30 (t); 35 (l) x 35 (t); 24 (l) x 20 (t).

The second course of wall Locus:7685:085 / Locus:7685:121 is constituted by a number of medium or fist-sized stones. These measure (in cm) c. 20 (l) x 20 (t).

The top of the foundation is made up of smallish stones. Their average size (in cm) is c. 12 (l) x 10 (t); 10 (l) x 18 (t).

Beyond the south side of wall Locus:7685:013 (i.e. the south facade of the central building complex), the foundation of wall Locus:7685:038 changes. It is only one course thick and exhibits a slight upward incliniation. In fact, it is similar in appearance to the foundation of the adajcent mud-brick wall Locus:7685:083 .


2051 von 3468
Areal (Jahr)
alle (alle)
kontextid DESC
   Tagesskizzen / Plana
   Der Locus liegt direkt unter
7685:038   (Mauer)



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