Kontext 7685:095 (Ablagerung: Patch of soil rich in charcoal in front of wall Locus:7685:104) |
Verwaltung |
Koordinaten |
Abschluss |
20.08.2011 |
Höhe von bis |
1.70 bis 2.60
7.60 bis 9.00
284.58 bis 284.38
Layer Locus:7685:095 is located in front of wall Locus:7685:104 .
The soil is loose in character. It is yellowish-grey in color. Layer Locus:7685:095 is similar to (layer) Locus:7685:103 , save for the fact that the layer Locus:7685:095 holds a larger amount of charcoal, which may be explained as the result of its (relative) proximity to (wall) Locus:7685:104 . The latter also contained a high concentration of charcoal (and/or other burnt materials).
2090 von 3544 |
Areal (Jahr) |
alle (alle) |
Sortierung |
kontextid DESC |
Tagesskizzen / Plana |
Der Locus liegt direkt unter |
Der Locus liegt direkt über |
7685:103 (Ablagerung) |