Wall Locus:7685:104 is situated in front of the west face of (wall) Locus:7685:013 .
Two layers may be distinguished, although they are difficult to keep apart: a blackish and a reddish layer.
The former contains a good many pieces of charcoal and/or other burnt matter.
The relation between both layers is not completely clear. One possibility is that the reddish layer, in its original form would have carried or supported a wooden beam, which would be able to account for the large amount of charcoal found.
After having (partially) removed (wall) Locus:7685:104 , another beam channel or slot was exposed, which had been concealed by (wall) Locus:7685:104 (see Zusatzbild no. 16322) .
Another possibility is that wall Locus:7685:104 need be interpreted as burnt wall plaster.
For more detail see final report excavation season 2011.