Kontext 7685:135 (Ablagerung: Deposit below layer Locus:7685:113) |
Verwaltung |
Koordinaten |
Abschluss |
10.09.2011 |
Höhe von bis |
0.15 bis 3.25
2.00 bis 6.50
283.32 bis 283.19
Layer Locus:7685:135 is located below layer Locus:7685:113 .
The color of the soil is yellowish-brown. The material is loose and contains pottery, fragments of animal bone, chunks of (burnt and unburnt) mud-brick, pieces of charcoal and bits of white chalky material. Pottery is reportedly underrepresented, which is in stark contrast with (e.g.) layer Locus:7685:113, having yielded a sizeable amount of potsherds.
The bottom of layer Locus:7685:135 (or the beginning of layer Locus:7685:137 ) seems to run beneath the foundations of wall Locus:7685:038 (east), wall Locus:7685:080 (west) and wall Locus:7685:083 (south).
Small finds are constituted by a single miniature cup (Fund:7685:113:003 ).
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