The locus consists of a series of layers that have deposited, apparently through a natural erosion process, into a depression in the ground. The layers do not seem to have an uniform width and cannot always be followed due to the presence of large stones and clumps of lime and clay. The red layers are loose and contain mudbrick fragments of variable size, while the clayish layer in between is very tough in consistency.
Only relatively few ceramics and fragments of bone could be found in this layer. On the northwest side the layers appear to end in a uniform brown surface, while on the southern side the layers continue further down, divided from the north by a nearly vertical border sloping slightly to the southwest. Locus:7686:123 was artificially ended slightly beneath the level of the border and a new locus, Locus:7686:127, was opened for the deposits within the deeper pit demarcated by the brown surface.
In südöstlicher Richtung, vor der älteren Architektur vermehrt Lehmziegeltrümmer und eine Knochenanhäufung (Bovide, Hornzapfen).
Die lehmige Schicht bedeckt sowohl die Verfüllung des Locus:7686:127, als auch Locus:7686:136 und auch die älteren Schichten/Gruben im nördlichen/nordöstlichen Bereich. Das wiederum bedeutet, dass der Graben bereits verfüllt war, als sich die Schicht Locus:7686:123 akkumuliert hat.