Kontext 7686:167 (Verfüllung: lehmig, gelbliche Schicht) |
Verwaltung |
Koordinaten |
Abschluss |
22.08.2017 |
Höhe von bis |
6.00 bis 6.95
0.00 bis 0.49
283.17 bis
= Locus:7685:289 Dieser Locus wurde angelegt, aber es wurde noch nicht mit dem Abtrag begonnen!
2017, Andrea Valsecchi: The work in the Locus started with the cleaning of the area after the winter (season 2017). The "ObenHöhe" were not taken because already taken at the end of last season (points: 289.20-289.27). Ca. 2 cm of hard clear yellowish soil were removed: -in the easternmost part of the locus, an ashing and less compact surface came out, with pieces of mudbricks and some pottery; - in the west area (Locus:7686:167) the soil is more compact and clear, with the presence of some bones.
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