Locus:7784:006 is a pit or fireplace located adjacent to Locus:7784:005 (east). Part of it runs into the adjacent square 7785 (Locus:7785:131 ).
The color of the soil is grayish-black. Its consistency is loose. Bits of charcoal, few pieces of (burnt) mud-brick and little pottery could be recovered. The pit contained a good many small to medium-sized stones, which appear to have been blackened by fire.
The imprint of Locus:7784:006 can clearly be recognized on the surface of Kontextgruppe:013 (i.e. southwest tower-room floor) (cf. Bild no. 13099). Consequently, it may be postulated that Locus 6 should be viewed in conjunction with Kontextgruppe:013 (cf. final report Area 3 by J. Eerbeek).