Ausgrabung  =>  Areal 7784   =>  7784:022

Kontext 7784:022 (Mauer: south wall of tower-room)






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This stone-built line and/or wall was placed in front of Locus:7784:025 .

Two construction-phases may be observed. The first construction-period is represented by - as far as can be seen - a single row of medium-sized stones, ca. 25 cm x 20 cm.

The stones of the second-phase wall were placed or positioned directly in front of its predecessor, consisting of a single row of medium-sized stones, measuring ca. 25 cm x 20 cm. In some places, a second course could be observed.
The second-phase wall seems to have been less orderly built. Wall Locus:7784:022 rather abruptly ends or terminates in proximity to the large, but isolated mud-brick, located in the south-west corner of the tower-room, i.e. where an entrance may be expected.

The building blocks of the second phase wall appear to have been embedded in a hard reddish matter previously interpreted as constituting the lower packing of the original tower-room floors (e.g. Locus:7784:016 ).

Preserved length: ca. 3.00 m
Orientation: southwest-northeast


2314 von 3468
Areal (Jahr)
alle (alle)
kontextid DESC
   Tagesskizzen / Plana
   Der Locus liegt direkt unter
7784:015   (Versturz)



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