This stone-built wall is built against mud-brick wall segment Locus:7784:028.
Two phases may be recognized.
The earliest phase consists of a single row of medium-sized stones (ca. 24 cm x 20 cm). The foundation of the first-phase wall is located at a greater depth than its second-phase successor.
The stones of the first-phase seem to form the foundation or base of the plaster (Locus:7784:026 ) applied to the east face of Locus:7784:028.
The second-phase wall, constructed with similar sized stones, was placed directly in front of the earlier wall. In between both walls, small stones, which may form part of an original wall fill, are still in place or in situ.
The building blocks of the second-phase wall are embedded in a hard reddish matter (cf. Locus:7784:027 and wall Locus:7784:022 ).
Preserved length: ca. 1.30 m
Orientation: southeast-northwest